I love my friends. I have lots of them, but just a few that I would trust with anything. I think what I really love is people. I find them interesting. Whether they’re making me laugh my head off or really pissing me off, I still love them. I thrive on relationships. As I’ve gotten older I realize that relationships are what make me tick, not things or projects or books or even food…well, maybe food. Food and friends is the ultimate! Probably why I make time to eat with friends a lot. There have been weeks where everyday is lunch with another friend.
A more serious project driven person would think of me as a time waster of sorts. I promise if I was remodeling my house or in the mist of painting or planting or cooking or anything, you come and say lets go get a burger, I’m in. Not for the sake of the burger, much anyway, but for the chance to connect and talk and think about life together.
There is nothing better to me than laughing and talking with my friends. I have made them laugh till they cried and they me. I have a childhood friend that can make me laugh so hard and so much that after an hour with her I feel like I’ve just run 5 miles. Then another that helps me feel like I can do anything. Still another that is there in a minute if I need help.
Each friend brings something special and different to my life. There are some, a few, that I can cry the ugly cry with. The soul cry, where I say exactly how I feel without worrying how it comes across. I can be my most pathetic self, my most wounded and vulnerable. Yet, still know her opinion of me won’t change. You know you have a real friend when you're crying, and you look over and she’s crying with you.
There is nothing like a girlfriend, a real honest to goodness soul sister. I remember my Nana once said, “Don’t try to make your husband your girl friend.” Okay, that might sound weird. You get the point. Only women can relate to women in that special way. That, I know how you feel way. I don’t know where I would be without my friends! I shutter to think!
There is nothing like a good girlfriend to get you into the most heinous and hilarious situations! I’ve been saved by gypsies in the Ukraine, mooned in Paris, pretended to be Catholic, done couples massages, eaten pastries through Europe, been stalked in an airport, almost been arrested, tried hundreds of diets, talked each other off the edge, been phone coached how to self wax and that’s just a few.
So, if you don’t have a good girl friend…get one and quick! Because life is sooooo much better with them!
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